博客來精選推薦The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2017


The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2017

The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2017 評價





The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2017

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2017


Struck from the Record

The Communist




獨家收錄300道模擬試題,絕對是準備GMAT考試必備用書! (文/博客來編譯)




.完整的閱讀測驗 (Reading Comprehension)、邏輯測驗 (Critical Reasoning)、修辭測驗(Sentence Correction) 練習題解析



The Official Guide for the GMAT Verbal Review 2017 provides practical preparation focused on the verbal portion of the exam. Written by the Graduate Management Admission Council, this guide is designed to provide targeted review based on your needs. You’ll review the fundamentals of reading comprehension, grammar, and critical reasoning, and learn just what the test is measuring so you can tailor your approach for each question type. Over 300 additional practice questions—45 of them brand new to this edition—allow you to test your understanding, with full answers and thorough explanations to help you pinpoint where you need to improve. The companion website (gmat.wiley.com) allows you to create personalized practice sets, so you can get more out of your study time by skipping what you know and focusing on what you don’t. You also get access to practice exams and videos featuring valuable insight and advice to help you be fully prepared on exam day.

Hone your skills and build your confidence with essential review, valuable insight, and plenty of practice, fully customizable to your specific needs.

?Brush up on grammar, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning skills

?Learn helpful tips and strategies specific to the GMAT verbal section

?Create custom practice sets to target your weaker areas

?Practice over 300 verbal questions from past exams

You read, write, and think every day, so you think you’re prepared for the GMAT Verbal—but are you really? With less than two minutes per question, you need a clear plan and reflexive understanding. This book gives you both, with advice straight from the exam’s creators. The Official Guide for the GMAT Verbal Review 2017 is your ideal resource for complete and thorough preparation.


  • 作者: Graduate Management Admission Council (COR)
  • 原文出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc
  • 出版日期:2016/06/07
  • 語言:英文

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